Microbial colonization and resistome dynamics in food processing environments of a newly opened pork cutting industry during 1.5 years of activity
- Cobo-Díaz, J.F.
- Alvarez-Molina, A.
- Alexa, E.A.
- Walsh, C.J.
- Mencía-Ares, O.
- Puente-Gómez, P.
- Likotrafiti, E.
- Fernández-Gómez, P.
- Prieto, B.
- Crispie, F.
- Ruiz, L.
- González-Raurich, M.
- López, M.
- Prieto, M.
- Cotter, P.
- Alvarez-Ordóñez, A.
ISSN: 2049-2618
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Alea: 9
Zenbakia: 1
Mota: Artikulua