Food safety and regulatory affairs on nanotechnologies, functional foods and organic foods"E-foodscience" online platform
- J.M. Rodríguez-Calleja 1
- J.A. Santos 1
- E. Mailissiova 2
- T.M. López-Díaz 1
- 1 Department of Food Hygiene and Food Technology. University of León, Spain
- 2 Food Technology Department. TEI of Thessaly, Greece
- José María Rodríguez Calleja (coord.)
- Jesús Ángel Santos Buelga (coord.)
- Teresa María López Díaz (coord.)
Publisher: Universidad de León
ISBN: 9788497739542
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 253
Congress: Congreso Junior de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (2. 2019. León)
Type: Conference paper