Publicaciones (82) Publicaciones de ANA LANERO CARRIZO


  1. Aceite de palma y sostenibilidad: un estudio exploratorio sobre conocimiento y percepción por parte de los consumidores

    Responsibility and Sustainability, Vol. 8, Núm. 1, pp. 61-69

  2. La RSC en la F1

    Casos De Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo - Casos De Marketing Público E Não Lucrativo, Vol. 10, Núm. 4, pp. 21-29

  3. Responsabilidad Social Corporativa “The Walt Disney Company”

    Casos De Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo - Casos De Marketing Público E Não Lucrativo, Vol. 10, Núm. 3, pp. 44-53

  4. Responsabilidad social corporativa del bienestar de Ikea

    Casos De Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo - Casos De Marketing Público E Não Lucrativo, Vol. 10, Núm. 4, pp. 14-20

  5. Responsible Consumption and Sustainability: Case Studies from Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economics

    Springer, pp. 302

  6. Segmentation of consumers based on awareness, attitudes and use of sustainability labels in the purchase of commonly used products

    Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 38, pp. 115-129

  7. Sustainable Cosmetics and Perceived Brand Image on Social Networks: Comparison Between Millennial and Centennial Women

    Responsible Consumption and Sustainability. Case Studies from Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economics (Springer), pp. 229-247

  8. Teaching case: AIRBNB

    Casos De Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo - Casos De Marketing Público E Não Lucrativo, Vol. 10, Núm. 1, pp. 47-59

  9. Theoretical Background: Responsible Consumption and Sustainability— Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economic Approaches

    Responsible Consumption and Sustainability. Case Studies from Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economics (Springer), pp. 1-29


  1. La responsabilidad social corporativa de la empresa ECOALF

    Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo, Vol. 9, pp. 61-70

  2. La sostenibilidad como factor clave en el sector textil y de la moda bajo la perspectiva del consumidor

    Responsibility and Sustainability, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, pp. 38-54

  3. Las Becas Ralbar de la Fundación Banco Sabadell y el proyecto "Digitalización rural"

    Casos de marketing público y no lucrativo - Casos de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo, Vol. 9, pp. 71-78

  4. ¿Nos tomamos en serio al consumidor consciente?

    Investigación y marketing, Núm. 154, pp. 24-29


  1. A Case Study of a Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship: The Local Action Group POEDA

    Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Fourth Sector Sustainable Best-Practices from Across the World (Springer Nature), pp. 89-102

  2. A Case Study of a Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship: The Local Action Group POEDA

    Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Fourth Sector: Sustainable Best-Practices from Across the World (Springer Suiza), pp. 89-102

  3. A Puntadas: Una empresa rentable y socialmente responsable

    Innovative Driving Marketing for a Better World. The Emergence of Social Proposals in Pandemic Times

  4. Adopta un bar: “arrima el hombro ahora, empina el codo después”

    Innovative Driving Marketing for a Better World. The Emergence of Social Proposals in Pandemic Times

  5. ECOALF, pioneros en moda sostenible

    Innovative Driving Marketing for a Better World. The Emergence of Social Proposals in Pandemic Times

  6. Economía circular de H&M

    Innovative Driving Marketing for a Better World. The Emergence of Social Proposals in Pandemic Times

  7. El marketing como motor para el desarrollo del deporte y la cultura, la RSC en las acciones de marketing de Red Bull

    Innovative Driving Marketing for a Better World. The Emergence of Social Proposals in Pandemic Times