Profesor Titular de Universidad
Supervised Theses (5)
Analysis and classification of spam email using artificial intelligence to identify cyberthreats 2023
Universidad de León
Botnet activity spotting with artificial intelligence: efficient bot malware detection and social bot identification 2023
Universidad de León
Data-efficient deep learning: age, expression, pornography, and sexual activity detection for crime prevention 2022
Universidad de León
Kumar, Abhishek Gangwar
Perceptual Image Hashing and Machine Learning methods applied to prevent and fight against Cybercrime 2021
Universidad de León
Selection of relevant information to improve image classification using Bag of Visual Words 2015
Universidad de León
Theses Committees (8)
Committee Member
Design of segmentation algorithms to recognize interested cells in microscopy biological images 2024Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Almoutaz Mamdooh Ahmad, Mbaidin
Secretary of the Committee
Deep learning applied to speech processing: development of novel models and techniques 2023Universidad de León
Committee Member
Estudio de técnicas de biometría blanda en entornos de caracterización de personas. Aplicaciones en diarización 2022Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Secretary of the Committee
Image feature representation using deep learning for instance search and scene recognition 2021Universidad de León
Secretary of the Committee
Deep learning methods for extractive text summarization 2021Universidad de León
Joshi, Akanksha
Secretary of the Committee
Automatic reactivity characterisation of char particles from pulverised coal combustion using computer vision 2018Universidad de León
Secretary of the Committee
Methods for improving texture description by using statistical information extracted from the image gradient 2017Universidad de León
García-Olalla Olivera, Oscar
Committee Member
Técnicas de reconocimiento de objetos en aplicaciones reales 2016Universidad de León