Catedrático de Universidad
Gutiérrez Ángel
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Nieves Gutiérrez Ángel (4)
Digital Competence, Use, Actions and Time Dedicated to Digital Devices: Repercussions on the Interpersonal Relationships of Spanish Adolescents
International journal of environmental research and public health, Vol. 19, Núm. 16
Digital Competence, Validation and Differential Patterns between Spanish and Portuguese Areas as Assessed from the Latest PISA Report as a Pathway to Sustainable Education and Social Concerns
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 19
Digital literacy in the university setting: A literature review of empirical studies between 2010 and 2021
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13
Los determinantes psicoeducativos de la alfabetización digital en la Educación Superior: proyecto de trabajo
Cuestiones relativas a la inclusión de colectivos vulnerables (Dykinson), pp. 121-127