Los principios éticos de la experimentación animalApuntes al Congreso Internacional “l’animal de laboratoire au service de l’homme”(Lyon, 1978)

  1. Carlos César Pérez Garcı́a
  2. Inmaculada Diez Prieto
  3. María Belén Garcı́a Rodrı́guez
  4. María Angeles Rı́os Granja
  5. Marı́a Cano Rábano
XLVI Congreso Internacional de la asociación mundial de Historia de la Medicina Veterinaria XXIX: Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Veterinaria Septiembre 18 al 22 de 2024 León · España
  1. José Manuel Martínez Rodríguez. (coord.)
  2. Francisco Rojo Vázquez (coord.)

Editorial: Asociación Leonesa de Historia de la Veterinaria

ISBN: 978-84-09-65233-4

Any de publicació: 2024

Pàgines: 467-471

Congrés: XLVI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL de la Asociación Mundial de Historia de la Medicina Veterinaria XXIX Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Veterinaria Septiembre 18 al 22 de 2024 León · España (29. 2024. León)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


In most animal experimentation scientific literature, it is often pointed out that the firstinternational principles regulating the use of animals for scientific purposes were those published in1985 by the CIOMS. However, seven years earlier, on the occasion of the International Congress “L’animalde laboratoire au service de l’homme”, held in Lyon (France), some Principles of Ethics for AnimalExperimentation were already published. These principles were initially discussed by the Commissionof the sixth session of the congress but were finally adopted by a committee in the middle of thefollowing year, at the European Center of Tufts University. A Spanish version of these principles waspublished in poster form shortly after, in 1983, by the Spanish Committee of ICLAS-CSIC and the GeneralCouncils of the Official Colleges of Pharmacists, Physicians and Veterinarians of Spain. This poster wasalready present in most Spanish animal laboratory facilities at the time when the first regulationgoverning the use of animals for scientific purposes was published in our country (Royal Decree223/1988).