Linguagem Documentária e Terminologia: fundamentos linguísticos para a organização do conhecimento

  1. Alexandre Robson Martines 1
  2. Wilson Roberto Veronez Júnior
  3. Edmilson Alves dos Santos Júnior 3
  4. Daniel Martínez-Ávila 2
  1. 1 Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP-Marília)
  2. 2 Universidad de León, Espanha
  3. 3 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/IBICT
Organização e representação do conhecimento em diferentes contextos: desafios e perspectivas na era da datificação

Publisher: ISKO-Brasil; PPGCI-UEL

ISBN: 978-65-980448-0-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 671-681

Type: Book chapter


The knowledge organization process is intrinsically aligned with the logical condition of precision and metalanguage evoked by thedocumentary language, applied to establish classification and categorization. In this line, specialized language assumes a fundamentalrole in conducting the classification process between linguistic, cognitive and technical-scientific factors. With that, organization andrepresentation products can guide the more complex elaboration of informational objects, treating the information to carry out thecommunication between informational systems and users. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze the resources of terminologyso that it gives conditions to the thesaurus to act as conceptual and communicative elements, in addition to pointing out the linguisticfoundations in this process of representation and mediation. This is a theoretical bibliographical research with descriptive analysis andmethod nature with a qualitative approach, from the reading and interpretation of scientific articles in the area in national andinternational databases. Therefore, terminology operates in several layers of linguistic interaction, having complex characteristics,which must be deepened in order to analyze the applicability dimensions and how to conduct the study on meaning and significance.In this way, it becomes important to carry out studies aligned with linguistic aspects in order to bring the use of terminology closer tothe general public, since it is a tool essentially directed at specialists, scientists and students, however, familiarity with this formaltechnical linguistic stratum -scientific means the expansion of a society's specialized knowledge.