Riesgo de caídas en personas con discapacidad intelectualdiseño y validación de un instrumento evaluador
- Dobaño García, Noemí Alba
- Luz González Doníz Director/a
- Alejandro Quintela del Río Codirector/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidade da Coruña
Data de defensa: 21 de de juny de 2023
- José Ignacio Calvo Arenillas President/a
- Jesús Seco Calvo Secretari
- Antonia Aurelia Gómez Conesa Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
Background: falls are the main cause of hospitalization in people with intellectual disabilities (PWID). Its incidence is 3,5 times higher than that of the general population. To quantify the risk of suffering them, since there are no specific tests, others designed for another populations are used. Main objective: to design and validate an instrument for measuring the risk of falls in PWID based on the main risk factors. Material and methods: a bidirectional longitudinal cohort study was carried out in a sample of 112 PWID to identify risk factors for falls. With them, a mathematical model for risk estimation was opened, forming the instrument object of this investigation. This tool was validated by comparing the estimated falls with the real ones suffered by the participants. Results: the rate of falls was 2,38/person/year. The negative binomial regression model presents the best fit with 80,18% accuracy. It includes age, medication, gait disturbances, degree of intellectual disability, Tinetti test result and attention deficit. Conclusions: the proposed instrument allows estimating the number of falls that will end with PWID, considering the main risk factors detected.