Use of specific mitochondrial complex inhibitors to investigate mitochondrial involvement on horse sperm motility and ROS production

  1. Giaretta, E.
  2. Mislei, B.
  3. Martínez-Pastor, F.
  4. Nesci, S.
  5. Spinaci, M.
  6. Galeati, G.
  7. Nerozzi, C.
  8. Mari, G.
  9. Tamanini, C.
  10. Bucci, D.
Research in Veterinary Science

ISSN: 1532-2661 0034-5288

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 147

Pages: 12-19

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.RVSC.2022.03.017 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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