Catedrático de Universidad
Area: Cell Biology
Email: felipe.martinez@unileon.es
Personal web: http://reprobio.unileon.es
Doctor by the Universidad de León with the thesis Obtención postmortem y calidad de los espermatozoides de la cola del epidídimo del ciervo rojo ibérico (cervus elaphus hispanicus) 2004. Supervised by Dr. María Paz Herráez Ortega, Dr. Luis Anel Rodríguez, Dr. Paulino de Paz Cabello.
Reader of the Cell Biology Area at the University of León. Researcher in sperm biology since 1999. Co-author of 120 SCI articles (main in 51), 85 in Q1, 3 book chapters, 240 conference communications. IP of 2 national and 3 regional projects, participation in 12 more; Responsible for 5 R&D contracts, participating in 10 more. H-index 33 (45 according to Google Scholar), >2,500 cumulative citations (>5,400 according to Google Scholar). Bachelor of CC. Biologicals by U. de León (1999, Extraordinary End-of-Study and Degree Awards). Thesis as FPU fellow (MCyT), 5 SCI publications. He participated in lines on sheep and brown bear reproduction, contributing to the group thanks to his domain in data analysis and flow cytometry (currently recognized). Stays at University of Zaragoza (2000), Swedish University of CC. Agricultural (Uppsala, Sweden, 2002) and Wildlife Biological Resource Center (South Africa, 2003). At this stage: 14 publications (first author in 8) and 45 communications. In 2005 he got a Juan de la Cierva contract (U. de Castilla-La Mancha / IREC, Dr. J. Garde). The main line was the study of oxidative stress in deer sperm. IP of a project of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha. He collaborated in other lines (AI in deer, sheep and bovine reproduction) and in 2 research projects. He launched international collaborations: U. del Algarve (Portugal), on reproduction of teleosts and 4 stays (2005-07), supported by an Integrated Action. Between 2007-8 he made stays at the Chicago Zoological Society (USA) on the influence of captive breeding strategies on sperm quality. These stays resulted in publications (24 SCI articles, 12 as main author) and contributions to conferences. He also stays at the University of Murcia (Spain, 2006) and at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research (Poland, 2007). From this stage: In 2008 he obtained a Ramón y Cajal contract, joining the Institute for Livestock Development and Animal Health of the ULE (2009) as an independent researcher (14 SCI articles without thesis supervisors, 26 with postdocs). He established his laboratory at INDEGSAL, supervising more than 25 undergraduate students, 10 master's students and 7 doctoral students (3 theses defended). He has received 7 students from other groups, 5 foreigners. At this stage, he IP of a project of the National Plan and another of the Junta de Castilla y León. He has 4 patents and coordinates 9 contracts. Invited to write a book chapter and two reviews (SCI journals), 4 conference papers. At this stage: 35 SCI articles. Positive evaluation of the I3 program in 2013. Currently University Professor. In the 2014 call for the ERC Consolidator Grants program, his proposal and CV were positively evaluated in the first phase, making the presentation at the ERCEA headquarters (evaluation B). He has participated in the teaching of the Cell Biology area of the ULE in the last 10 years, participating in three Masters (ULE, UCLM and U. de Oviedo). He is a member of 5 thesis panels and one thesis panel. He collaborates with Spanish and foreign groups (3 foreign and 5 active national collaborations). Member of scientific societies (ESDAR, SEBC, AERA, ASEBIR, ITEA). Project reviewer ANEP, NKFI (Hungary), AVCR (Czech Republic), UNMP-FCA (Argentina); of articles for >40 SCI journals. Member of the editorial board of Int. J. Mol. Sci.