Calidad y Liderazgo Sostenible
ISSN: 2014-9018
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 76-91
Type: Article
More publications in: IJELM, International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management
Leadership studies have taken up huge extensions in the specialized literature on the subject of quality and leadership. Among the indicators of educational quality, the most relevant are leadership and leadership. More than twenty leadership classes have been referred to from pedagogical to distributed. However,we highlight an emerging line of the same that still does not have sufficient reflection in the specific studies: sustainable leadership. The objective of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to review the WOS on the subject and on the other to make an integrative and novel proposal of the main contributions on the subject. The results show a very poor presence in the WOS of sustainable leadership and in any case never referred to education. Two relevant contributions are collected, and a sustainable leadership content proposal is made with twelve indicators and two broad categories: six related to technical aspects, and six related to emotional aspects of sustainable leadership.
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