Implantación de la metodología de clase invertida en la asignatura “Marco Jurídico Profesional de la Actividad Física y el Deporte”. Implicaciones en la percepción, motivación y resultados académicos de los estudiantes

  1. Cristina Mendaña Cuervo 1
  2. Anselma González Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review

ISSN: 2013-584X 2386-4885

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 23

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review

Objectifs de Développement Durable


This paper describes the implementation of the Flipped Learning methodology in the subject “Legal and Professional Context of Physical Activity and Sport” of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, as a response to the increasingly low performance of students since the introduction of the Degree. The methodological objective has been to enhance the active and collaborative learning inherent in the new role of teachers and students within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Aware of the need to carry out a process of evaluation of the impact that this switch may have on students, this paper also addresses the study of the expectations and predisposition that this methodology has aroused in students (prior to and after the implementation). In addition, this paper also describes the insights gained, both from student motivation towards the subject and from academic results. These are the main conclusions. First, in relation to the assessment from the students and their subsequent opinion on the methodology, it is worth noting that the practical experience has improved the student’s initial expectations, as they had been evaluated with a previously validated ad hoc tool. Secondly, in relation to motivation and student academic result, the comparison made between students of two groups (experimental and control) has shown that even though the experimental group experienced an increase in both factors, this increase was not statistically significant.

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