Autoconcepto, estilo de vida e intervención comunitaria en mujeres, México

  1. Bezares Sarmiento, Vidalma del Rosario
Supervised by:
  1. Olga Molinero González Director
  2. Sara Márquez Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 09 June 2021

  1. Alfonso Salguero del Valle Chair
  2. Ricardo de la Vega Marcos Secretary
  3. Ena Monserrat Romero Pérez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Self-concept and lifestyle, have been addressed in several studies, both in European and Latin American countries, they are study topics affected by the environment, experiences and decisions of each person. The objective of the study was to evaluate the educational intervention applied through social support and interrelation dynamics among women from rural Chiapas, in a design before and after the test to contribute to the change of lifestyle, self-concept and its components. Designed in two phases: pilot and experimental test; in the first, the Self-concept Form 5 (AF-5) and Lifestyle profile (PEPS-1) questionnaires were administered; instruments that met the criteria of internal consistency and corresponding reliability for this research at different times. The Experimental study, considered a sample at the convenience of the researcher of six hundred and sixty-two women from twenty to sixty-eight years of age who met the selection criteria. Three questionnaires were used: Sociodemographic, AF-5 and PEPS-1; An educational intervention program was designed, developed over a period of three months, with thirteen sessions, which included social support, exercise routines and nutritional education. The results of the pre-intervention study indicate the consumption of food at home and in the family, with three feeding times, using stewed, boiled and roasted and fried preparations; daily use of tortillas, sweet bread, beans, bottled soft drinks one to three times a week; in all ages there was a higher consumption of sugars and fats. Sedentary women, with a predominance of daily housework, whose fun was watching television and family life; with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), arterial hypertension (HT) and overweight; reporting personal ailments of overweight; gastritis and colitis; the clinical vital signs predominated the optimal ones in blood pressure, pulse and temperature; with prevalence of android obesity. There are studies that show relationships between body mass index (BMI) and waist circumferences (WC) with high values, of greater risk to suffer DM2, HT; having as a triggering factor the diet high in simple sugars and fat, coupled with epigenetic factors. Post-intervention in the group of middle-aged women cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose decreased. It is well known that lifestyle changes can prevent the development of DM2 in people at high risk. In the same way, favorable modifications were shown in the social, emotional and work self-concept located in a very good self-concept; on the other hand, the scales exercise, responsibility in health and stress management, the first two were placed in the unhealthy lifestyle and the third changed from unhealthy to healthy; however, reduction in BMI and WC values was observed in young to matures women. The women included physical exercise in their daily life, controlled their emotions, improved work and social dimensions; showed better stress management and acquired greater responsibility in health. The literature indicates that when women, are admired by the family and their achievements, are recognized, they are perceived and valued better, which increases their self-concept and self-esteem. An active lifestyle in the individual provides physical well-being, normal weight, and satisfaction with body image, improves mental health and favored social relationships, which allows them to preserve their independence. The relationship found between lifestyle and self-concept in three of its dimensions (social, physical, work) ranged from very low to very high, with a reduced relationship with anthropometric, clinical and biochemical indicators; these showed that changes in lifestyle influence, however it is necessary to maintain and reprogram new educational interventions to be carried out in a longer period of time, in order to guarantee the quality of the intervention and the modification of their style and conditions of study lifetime. At the conclusion of the investigation, both the objectives and the hypothesis were approved recommending that researchers work in the rural populations and provide them with the service they require, such as educational actions; therefore, the study shows a new profile of active women, with important changes in the perception of labor, social and family relationships; with greater interest in your health, and control of perceived stress. Hence, the importance of the applied program.