La universidad como un entorno saludableun estudio transversal
- López-Alonso, Ana 1
- Liebana Presa, Cristina 1
- Sánchez-Valdeón, Leticia 1
- López-Aguado, Mercedes 1
- Quiñones-Pérez, Marta 1
- Fernández-Martínez, Elena 1
Universidad de León
ISSN: 1695-6141
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Alea: 20
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 221-243
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enfermería global: revista electrónica trimestral de enfermería
Introduction: University students are at a crucial time in their lives as regards acquiring a healthy lifestyle. For this it is necessary that they obtain a balance between the times used to the university demands (academic engagement) and the leisure time, as recovery time. Objectives: To describe the relationships between leisure, engagement and health. Method: We employed a quantitative, non-experimental survey design. 1.142 students completed the questionnaires on leisure, health and engagement. Descriptive, linear correlation and ANOVA analyses were performed on the data obtained. Results: 960 students engaged in active leisure with physical activity during the week (3–9 hours) and 1.021 at the weekend (3–8 hours); 1.084 engaged in active leisure without physical activity from Monday to Friday (4–14 hours) and 1.109 at the weekend (7–16 hours); 1.049 engaged in passive leisure every day (2–7 hours) and 997 at the weekend (3–8 hours) idleness, while 748 were idle during the week (1–5 hours) and 745 at the weekend (2–4 hours). Women spent less time of leisure during the week, scored higher of engagement and had poorer perceived health. We found a negative relationship between health and engagement and leisure. Conclusions: Students were engaged and in good health, indicating that high engagement and leisure activities are associated with better perceived health. Universities should strive to become healthier settings by revising their curricula, promoting engagement and offering an attractive leisure programme.
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