Metodologías utilizadas por los profesores universitarios en la docencia y evaluación de la comprensión lectora
- Judit García Martín 1
- Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez 2
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de la Costa
ISSN: 2254-9099, 1885-446X
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 19
Issue: 3
Pages: 55-71
Type: Article
More publications in: Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura
During the last years, in Higher Educa-tion, diverse approaches, models, strategies, techniques and methodologies have been implemented, but what is known about their effectiveness for the incorporation of the ge-neric reading comprehension competence in the study plans from university institu-tions? To answer this research question, this descriptive study is proposed. This materi-alises in the design and application of an ad hoc online questionnaire to evaluate the CLA in Higher Education, to an accessible sample of 280 teachers from a Caribbean Cost Latin American University. All this, through the analysis of teaching, assessment, and use-fulness, in addition to the knowledge and interest in generic skills.In this sense, the analyses carried out show statistically sig-nificant differential patterns in the use of the available instructional strategies, the techniques, the employed means and the existing web tools to guarantee the optimi-sation of the reading comprehension com-petence depending on the department they belong to. Implications for improving teach-ing and assessment are discussed, as well as limitations and future prospects
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