Desarrollo de las habilidades motoras fundamentales en función del sexo y del índice de masa corporal en escolares
- Bucco dos Santos, Luciano
- Zubiaur González, Marta
ISSN: 1578-8423, 1989-5879
Año de publicación: 2013
Volumen: 13
Número: 2
Páginas: 63-72
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Cuadernos de psicología del deporte
The target of this study was to analyze objectively and to determine if differences exist in the parameters of the Motor Development to the sex and body mass index of children with over weight / obesity and children normal weight. The characteristics measured themselves anthropometrics and they will evaluate the (Motor Development with the Scale of Motor Development to 284 healthy children from 6 to 10 years of age of the Community of Cruz Alta state Rio do Sul, Brazil. The Motor Development observed differences in to the gender and with the body mass index (over weight / obesity versus normal weight). The boys and girls with normal weight have more motor development that the children with over weight / obesity significantly (p = 0,02). The boys are significantly (p = 0,01) more motor developed that the girls in the motor structures as Balance (E) (p = 0,03), Corporal Scheme (EC) (p = 0,01) and Organization I spread - Storm (OET) (p = 001). The girls are significantly more developed in Fine Motor Skill (p = 0,00) and Gross Motor Skill (p= 0,01)
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