De la pesca de peces y otras especies pedagógicas rarasreflexiones en torno al sentido práctico de las enseñanzas escolares

  1. Vicente Pedraz, Miguel
XXI. Revista de educación

ISSN: 1575-0345

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 12

Orrialdeak: 163-182

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: XXI. Revista de educación


This article approaches the political and ideological dimension of the education and, especially, of the curriculum. Considering the critical tradition, the objective is to discover some of the epistemological contradictions that the technical discourse must support to contain its sense within the theoretical frame in which it obtains legitimacy. The departure assumption is that this theoretical frame enjoys certain immunity to the critic, as a result of the logical truth that it contributes the instrumental reason to him and, particularly, the substantialist preconceptions of the reality; these, fed by the common sense, seem to constitute a brake to any type of revision that it tries to go beyond a readjustment of the system. With these assumptions, the revision theoretical-practice that encourages the constructivism collapses by the persuasive force of these preconceptions whose language, ideologically neutral, is elevated to the "shaping structure" category that it can repulse the attacks of the critical reason. By means of the irony and the irreverent story, on the subject of fish and other rare pedagogical species, the article deals with to transfer the border that "shaping structure".