WebQuestsuna herramienta de apoyo educativo en marketing público y no lucrativo

  1. González Pérez, Begoña
  2. López González, Enrique
  3. Mendaña Cuervo, Cristina
Revista internacional de marketing público y no lucrativo = International review on public and non profit marketing

ISSN: 1812-0970

Year of publication: 2005

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 98-112

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista internacional de marketing público y no lucrativo = International review on public and non profit marketing


Nowadays higher education is going through a period of transformations because, among others, two reasons: the introduction of information and communication technologies and the construction of common spaces for higher education. These facts will mean a significant change in the educational activity: teachers will become learning facilitators and students will play a more active role in the construction of their knowledge. For that reason, teachers must find mechanisms in order to facilitate this new learning perspective. Taking all this in mind, this paper promotes the use of WebQuests as very useful tools either for students and teachers in the society of information, more specifically in the teaching-learning process in public and non profit marketing fields.