Validación de un modelo de articulación entre Educación Media Técnico Profesional, Educación Superior Técnico Profesional y mundo del trabajo para desarrollar competencias profesionales técnicas y genéricas

Supervised by:
  1. Joaquín Gairín Sallán Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 04 July 2017

  1. Isabel Cantón Mayo Chair
  2. Mario Martín Bris Secretary
  3. Juan Pablo Catalán Cueto Committee member

Type: Thesis


The objectives of this research focus on summarize and validate a model of articulation between EMTP, ESTP and the world of work. The design is descriptive research, with a mixed methodological approach. The inquiry was conducted in the vocational technical training of Puente Alto district located in the city of Santiago de Chile. The first phase of the study surveyed young people in secondary and tertiary to verify their degree of satisfaction professional technical training and also surveyed employers to validate the graduate profiles. In the second phase, a Delphi survey was applied to a panel of experts to validate and finalize the joint model with application processes in a specific region, with the aim of providing quality education to professional technical training oriented innovation.