Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector turísticoel caso de las empresas turísticas de alojamiento de la Región Caribe Colombiana

  1. Peña Miranda, David Daniel
  1. Antoni Serra Cantallops Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 23

  1. Ignacio A. Rodríguez del Bosque Presidentea
  2. Pedro Cuesta Valiño Idazkaria
  3. Pablo Gutiérrez Rodríguez Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The interest generated by the study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the academic world during the last decade is evident. However, in the scientific literature, the sectorial studies and researches in the subject, and even more in tourism industry, are very scarce. Given this reality, with the aim to contribute to the analysis, discussion and modeling of epistemic and practical CSR in tourism and more specifically in the hospitality industry, it was carried out a scientific study to identify and evaluate the level of Knowledge, Implementation and Communication of CSR in hotel companies of the Colombian Caribbean Region, as well as the factors influencing them, as a basis for designing a model that integrates and explains the causal relationships of the three variables in question, in order to improve the management of CSR activities of companies and generate greater impact (positive) on the communities where they operate. In this regard, it has implemented an useful methodology to study CSR from quantitative statistical analysis uni, bi and multivariate, whose final results were integrated and validated on a structural equation model, which allowed for new approaches, as valuable for better understanding of CSR in the study area. In conclusion, about the level of Knowledge of CSR, just over half of the Directors identifies spontaneously the concept of CSR (Notoriety), however, clarity (Sharpness) has been assimilated/understood, in the lower levels of the concept (null, minimum and low); moreover, this level of knowledge is influenced by the size, age, category, type of contract, financial performance and the level of investment in innovation of the hotel establishment; as well as gender, age and education level of the Director. On the other hand, a low level of Implementation of CSR is evident in terms of their Economic Activities (EA), Social Activities (SA) and Environmental Activities (EA), which is influenced by the size, age, category, type of contract, financial performance and the level of investment in innovation of the hotel establishment; as well as gender, age, level of education, the level of autonomy in decision-making CSR of the Director and the motivations and barriers that they perceived about CSR implementation. Similarly, the level of Communication founded was low and influenced by the size of the hotel establishment and external pressure from stakeholders (particularly government, business partners/providers and competitors) as well as age and education level of the Director. In regarding to the comprehensive analysis of the three variables of the study, it was found that the Knowledge of CSR have a direct effect on the Implementation, but not in the Communication of CSR; Similarly, the Implementation of CSR have a direct effect on the Communication of CSR; in the same way, the motivations and barriers have a direct impact on the Implementation of CSR. Finally, from the results of the study, hotel managers will have valuable and practical information for improving the levels of Knowledge, Implementation and Communication of CSR in the Colombian Caribbean Region, which undoubtedly benefit both, their companies and the communities where they operate.