Estrategias de “evaluación por pares” para valorar competencias transversales en estudiantes universitarios a través de Moodle

  1. M. Consuelo Morán Astorga 1
  2. J. David Urchaga Litago 2
  3. Susana Rodríguez Escanciano 1
  4. M. José Fínez Silva 1
  5. Manuel López Moya 1
  6. M. Reyes Martínez Barroso 1
  7. Carlos López Diez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

ISSN: 1136-3819

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: La docencia en los estudios de Relaciones Laborales: nuevas propuestas

Issue: 33

Pages: 31-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

Sustainable development goals


One of the current challenges in university education is the design of new evaluation strategies according with the demands from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This platform determines students to play an active role also in the evaluation process and to be able to take more responsibilities in this matter. There are different possibilities for the student to be involved in the evaluation process such as peer review, a high valuable alternative to appreciate skills and competences gained by the student. We decided to take part in this research of teaching innovation by integrating new evaluation strategies for transversal competencies using their classmates’ results, helped by new technologies. We have adapted the questionnaire of academic goals to the hetero-evaluation and applied it through Moodle to the students of some courses of the University of León Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Master’s degree in Legal Counselling of Businesses, Master’s Degree in Research in Psychology and Educational Studies and Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Professors encouraged students to be in groups of three for the assignments, and later on evaluate them; 360 of these questionnaires were made at the end of the academic year. By doing that, we could evaluate this competence with objective measures. Results confirmed that there are two types of motivation in the peer review, one called ‘result’ and the other one ‘achievement’. Students motivated by the achievement pursuit intrinsic rewards and they are focus on learning, improving skills, solving social problems and mastering new tasks. On the other hand, ones motivated by `results` want extrinsic rewards, they perceive tasks as an intermediary to achieve something else by trying to maximise rewards, minimising the effort. Furthermore, some researches done by the EHEA show that it exists differences between males and females in this matter, concluding that women are more likely to be motivated by ‘achievement’ than men. These results were important while deciding about the transversal competences evaluation, as well as planning new activities that foment the development of useful professional and personnel skills such as the capacity of critical analysis, contrasting ideas or taking evaluation responsibilities. Additionally, it has given us the change to have a basic tool to generate quantitative evaluation measures for transversal competences. In our opinion, peer review is a right method to evaluate transversal competences and a great motivational factor for students; we feel encouraged and committed to keep up with this procedure by introducing more transversal competences in their hetero-evaluation.

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