Educación Inclusiva - Indicadores de Sentimientos, Actitudes, Preocupaciones y Auto-eficacia de los ProfesoresEducaçao inclusiva : indicadores sobre sentimientos, atitudes, preocupaçoes e autoeficácia dos professores

  1. Lopes, José Correia
Supervised by:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director
  2. Sara Cristina Martins Lopes Borges Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 13 April 2015

  1. Antonio Mesonero Valhondo Chair
  2. Célia Maria Adâo de Oliveira Aguiar de Sousa Secretary
  3. Mercedes Gómez Acuñas Committee member
  4. María José Rabazo Méndez Committee member
  5. Consuelo Morán Astorga Committee member

Type: Thesis


We all recognize teachers as the main workers of inclusive education, although this responsibility is not always well accepted by them. Teachers are well aware of the discourse of inclusion and develop a practice sometimes not coincidentally with the theoretical and political guidelines. What teachers think about their own action in the inclusive process? The objective of this study is based on the assumption that the action of the teacher is crucial in a school that wants to be inclusive and therefore we wanted to deepen our knowledge about the perceptions of teachers regarding the work to be done in classes where are included students with special educational needs. The sample is constituted by 617 teachers. The data collection instrument used was the questionnaire, which is composed of a first part related to socio-demographic data and a second and third parts, composed by the scales "Sentiments, Attitudes & Concerns about Inclusive Education" (SACIE) and "Teacher Efficacy for inclusive Practices "(TEIP). The data collected through the questionnaire were processed and analyzed using the program "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS). We obtained data relating the socio-demographic variables with the factors of SACIE (sentiments, attitudes and concerns) and the TEIP factors (self-efficacy). We concluded in our study that there are strong relations between the skills of teachers for education of pupils with special educational needs and their sentiments, attitudes, concerns and perceptions of self-efficacy. There are also strong links between feelings, attitudes and concerns and perceptions of self-efficacy of teachers.