DNA fragmentation assessment by flow cytometry and Sperm-Bos-Halomax (bright-field microscopy and fluorescence microscopy) in bull sperm

  1. García-Macías, V.
  2. De Paz, P.
  3. Martinez-Pastor, F.
  4. Álvarez, M.
  5. Gomes-Alves, S.
  6. Bernardo, J.
  7. Anel, E.
  8. Anel, L.
International Journal of Andrology

ISSN: 0105-6263 1365-2605

Année de publication: 2007

Volumen: 30

Número: 2

Pages: 88-98

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2605.2006.00723.X GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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