Transcripción, edición y traducción del libro IV de una versión latina de "De Materia Medica" de Pedanio Dioscórides Anazarbeo

  1. Vázquez Martínez, José Ramón
Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Pérez Pascual Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 10 January 2019

  1. José A. Pascual Rodríguez Chair
  2. Mar Campos Souto Secretary
  3. José Ramón Morala Rodríguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 577834 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The thesis is the transcription, edition and translation of Book IV of a Latin version of the De Materia Medica of Pedanio Dioscorides Anazarbeo. We edited the manuscript of Paris (BN, lat.12995), written by several copyists, which we have contrasted with other Latin testimonies (like the Dioscorides Longobardus, Liber IV ff. 111r-154r). The edition is preceded by an introductory study in which we examine the work of Dioscorides (and its projection until the Renaissance). In the notes we study the variations between the different testimonies and some occasional changes. On the other hand, we offer a high number of explanatory notes that generally identify the botanical species, and incorporate references to the current botanical reality, adding information about the actual names. For all these reasons, we use dictionaries from the discipline, as well as Greek and Latin technical and encyclopedic texts, such as those of Plinius, Columella, Isidore of Seville or Theophrastus. In addition, we explain the semantic or significant values of many terms, and their etymology. The work is completed by a translation into Spanish that tries to be as rigorous as possible, with an evident literal projection.