La romanización de los pueblos de la Meseta orientalarqueología y fuentes escritas
- Rosa María Sanz Serrano Director
- María Luisa Cerdeño Serrano Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 03 de decembro de 2015
- Julio Mangas Manjarrés Presidente/a
- María Teresa Chapa Brunet Secretario/a
- Andre Miguel Serra Pedreira Carneiro Vogal
- Jorge Sánchez-Lafuente Pérez Vogal
- Helena Gimeno Pascual Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The objective of this PhD thesis has been the study of Romanization of celtiberi and carpetani and the consequences it had for the political, social, economic and ideological camps. The time frame study of this research ranges from the late third century BC until the end of I BC, since the Second Punic War to the start of the reign of Augustus. The Punic presence in the Inner Plateau was important because it was the first confrontation between the Mediterranean powers and peoples who inhabited the Peninsula center. Meanwhile, in the second half of the first century BC is the time that can be seen the dissolution of the “system of oppida” although there continued survivals of indigenous cultural system for a long time. The geographical área of this study has been restricted to the province of Guadalajara not only by the abundance of collected data, but also because it was a border area between Celtiberia and Carpetania and we can observe different ways of adapting to the new situation. These area are not preserved epigraphic and archaeological remains striking that would attract researchers and this has contributed to lend him less attention. The cultural process studied and the dates in which it took place, sits between Protohistory and Ancient History which is why we considered it necessary to employ different sources of information (archaeology, classical sources, epigraphy, numismatics and historical archives) grouping them with an interdisciplinary view. It is precisely the use of a multidisciplinary view what gives a higher overall coherence to this study. In our countrie’s academic tradition there is a rigid divisor line between Ancient History and Prehistory-Archaeology studies. The lack of interdisciplinary scientific projects and studies led to the same subject being studied from different perspectives without there a global approach. The studies of the Romanization process of Hispania reveal the existence of a theoretical and methodological dichotomy which has meant that during a long time the studies have been based on classical sources and epigraphy. These studies have interesting results but from our perspective they offer a unilateral view of the process since all aspects are contemplated from the Conquerors point of view, which imposed on the indigenous communities their own culture. Since we have very little epigraphic documents of these peoples, we must employ archaeological data to approach them and confirm that those societies had their own historical process...