Publicacións (94) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A Multidimensional Functional Trait Approach Reveals the Imprint of Environmental Stress in Mediterranean Woody Communities

    Ecosystems, Vol. 21, Núm. 2, pp. 248-262

  2. Active Learning in a Discrete Mathematics Class


  3. Advances in the Knowledge of the Vegetation of Hispaniola (Caribbean Central America)


  4. Algunas notas al margen sobre "Mis amigas las truchas": la lectura de un ictiólogo

    II Jornada de Caza, Pesca y Naturaleza "La trucha común" (Salmo trutta): 26 de octubre de 2017, Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de Léon : actas

  5. Aminas biógenas: el lado oscuro de las bacterias lácticas

    Nuevas tendencias en microbiología de alimentos: XXI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos, Tarragona 2018

  6. Analysis of the Conservation of Central American Mangroves Using the Phytosociological Method

    Mangrove Ecosystem Ecology and Function (IntechOpen)

  7. Ancient Forests in European drylands: Holocene palaeoecological record of Mazarrón, south-eastern Spain

    Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Vol. 129, Núm. 4, pp. 512-525

  8. Antipredatory behaviour of a mountain lizard towards the chemical cues of its predatory snakes

    Behaviour, Vol. 155, Núm. 10-12, pp. 817-840

  9. Bacterial community composition and diversity uncovered in experimental sludge treatment reed bed systems with different swine slurry hydraulic loadings

    Ecological Engineering, Vol. 123, pp. 175-184

  10. Behavior of profilins in the atmosphere and in vitro, and their relationship with the performance of airborne pollen

    Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 178, pp. 231-241

  11. Below-cloud scavenging of fine and coarse aerosol particles by rain: The role of raindrop size

    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 144, Núm. 717, pp. 2715-2726

  12. Brown bear (Ursus arctos) attacks resulting in human casualties in Scandinavia 1977–2016; management implications and recommendations

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 13, Núm. 5

  13. Brown bear behaviour in human-modified landscapes: The case of the endangered Cantabrian population, NW Spain

    Global Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 16

  14. Burn severity metrics in fire-prone pine ecosystems along a climatic gradient using Landsat imagery

    Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 206, pp. 205-217

  15. Changes in climate, land use and local conditions drive macrophyte assemblages in a Mediterranean shallow lake

    Limnetica, Vol. 37, Núm. 1, pp. 159-172

  16. Chemical and molecular evidences for the poisoning of a duck by anatoxin-a, nodularin and cryptophycin at the coast of lake shoormast (Mazandaran Province, Iran)

    International Journal on Algae, Vol. 20, Núm. 4, pp. 359-376

  17. Ciliates as bioindicators of CO2 in soil

    Ecological Indicators, Vol. 85, pp. 1192-1203

  18. Climate shapes the protein abundance of dominant soil bacteria

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 640-641, pp. 18-21

  19. Climatic conditions and fire regime affect vegetation recovery after large wildfires in Pinus forest ecosystems


  20. Comparison of removal efficiency of pathogenic microbes in four types of wastewater treatment systems in Denmark

    Ecological Engineering, Vol. 124, pp. 1-6