Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Eva Trapote Villalaín (8)


  1. Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

    Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

  2. Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

    Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

  3. Fitness benefits of alternated chick provisioning in cooperatively breeding carrion crows

    Journal of Animal Ecology, Vol. 93, Núm. 1, pp. 95-108


  1. Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

    Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

  2. Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

    Bio-logger Ethogram Benchmark: A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

  3. Copulations with a nestling by an adult care-giver in a kin-living bird

    Behaviour, Vol. 160, Núm. 2, pp. 191-199

  4. Effects of meteorological conditions on brood care in cooperatively breeding carrion crow and consequences on reproductive success

    Frontiers in Zoology, Vol. 20, Núm. 1