Catedrático de Universidad

Boixo Pérez-Holanda
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with J.C. Boixo Pérez-Holanda (63)
Does Size Matter? Testicular Volume and Its Predictive Ability of Sperm Production in Rams
Animals, Vol. 13, Núm. 20
Procedimientos para la inseminación artificial en pequeños rumiantes
Técnicas reproductivas en las especies animales (Elsevier), pp. 152-158
Application of ultrasound technique to evaluate the testicular function and its correlation to the sperm quality after different collection frequency in rams
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 9
Centrifugal force assessment in ram sperm: identifying species-specific impact
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, Vol. 63, Núm. 1
Comparing the Effect of Different Antibiotics in Frozen-Thawed Ram Sperm: Is It Possible to Avoid Their Addition?
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 8
Multiparametric study of antioxidant effect on ram sperm cryopreservation—from field trials to research bench
Animals, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 1-14
Current challenges in sheep artificial insemination: A particular insight
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol. 54, Núm. S4, pp. 32-40
Progesterone stimulates the long-distance migration of capacitated ram spermatozoa through viscous media under geotactic condition
Theriogenology, Vol. 118, pp. 7-15
Design and "in vivo" evaluation of two adapted catheters for intrauterine transcervical insemination in sheep
Animal Reproduction Science, Vol. 131, Núm. 3-4, pp. 153-159
Sperm concentration at freezing affects post-thaw quality and fertility of ram semen
Theriogenology, Vol. 77, Núm. 6, pp. 1111-1118
Efecto de la producción lechera sobre la fertilidad en ovejas assaf inseminadas con semen descongelado por vía laparoscópica
XXXVI Congreso de la sociedad española de ovinotecnia y caprinotecnia: Donostia-San Sebastián
Aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida en ovejas de raza Assaf
Feagas, Núm. 34, pp. 129-132
Influence of breed and age on morphometry and depth of inseminating catheter penetration in the ewe cervix: A postmortem study
Theriogenology, Vol. 66, Núm. 8, pp. 1876-1883
Ovum pick-up in sheep: A comparison between different aspiration devices for optimal oocyte retrieval
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol. 41, Núm. 2, pp. 106-113
Factors influencing the success of vaginal and laparoscopic artificial insemination in churra ewes: A field assay
Theriogenology, Vol. 63, Núm. 4, pp. 1235-1247
Effect of the interval between estrus onset and artificial insemination on sex ratio and fertility in cattle: A field study
Theriogenology, Vol. 62, Núm. 7, pp. 1264-1270
Effect of epididymis handling conditions on the quality of ram spermatozoa recovered post-mortem
Theriogenology, Vol. 60, Núm. 7, pp. 1249-1259
Field and in vitro assay of three methods for freezing ram semen
Theriogenology, Vol. 60, Núm. 7, pp. 1293-1308
Inseminación artificial intrauterina vía laparoscópica en ovejas de raza Castellana: resultados preliminares
Producción ovina y caprina: XXVI Jornadas Científicas y V Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia : Sevilla, 20, 21 y 22 de Septiembre de 2001
Transplante de embriones en ovejas de raza Churra
Producción ovina y caprina: XXVI Jornadas Científicas y V Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia : Sevilla, 20, 21 y 22 de Septiembre de 2001