Researcher in the period 2000-2022
Villa Bermejo
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Eduardo Villa Bermejo (8)
Análisis de la alteración de la calidad de los recursos hídricos de la cuenca oriental del Bierzo por labores de minería y obras de infraestructura viaria
Tecnología del agua, Año 32, Núm. 336, pp. 88-95
Fractionation of extractable aluminium and biomass production in an acid soil treated with calcareous amendments
Spanish journal of agricultural research, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 513-520
Impact of Calcareous Amendments on Rye Production and the Exchange Complex in a Palexerult in Northwestern Spain
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 43, Núm. 12, pp. 1694-1704
Biomass production in an extremely acid soil treated with various calcareous amendments
Agrochimica, Vol. 55, Núm. 3, pp. 129-138
La enmienda caliza y sus efectos en plantaciones forestales
Vida rural, Núm. 331, pp. 63-65
Soil development indices in a soil chronosequence formed on Lower Pleistocene terraces in the north-western Duero basin (León, Spain)
19th World Congress of Soil Science 2010
Differentiating the amending effects of calcareous materials applied to acid soils by use of optimal scaling procedures
Agrochimica, Vol. 50, Núm. 3-4, pp. 132-147
Models for predicting composition and temporal structure of chemical parameters for leachates from amended acid soils
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 35, Núm. 11-12, pp. 1517-1542