Publicaciones en las que colabora con Juan Antonio Carriedo González (25)


  1. Factors influencing variation of fatty acid content in ovine milk

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 92, Núm. 8, pp. 3791-3799

  2. Interacciones GxE y heterogenidad genética entre lactaciones en la oveja Churra

    XXXIX Jornadas de Estudio. XIII Jornadas sobre producción animal: Zaragoza. 12 y 13 de Mayo de 2009


  1. Performance of blue-yellow screening test for antimicrobial detection in ovine milk

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 90, Núm. 12, pp. 5374-5379


  1. Efecto del β-caroteno sobre el recuento celular de la leche del ovino lechero en mitad de lactación

    XXXI Jornadas Científicas y X Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC): Zamora, 20-22 de septiembre de 2006

  2. Evaluation of the overall accuracy of the DeLaval cell counter for somatic cell counts in ovine milk

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 89, Núm. 12, pp. 4613-4619

  3. Short communication: Bulk tank total bacterial count in dairy sheep: Factors of variation and relationship with somatic cell count

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 89, Núm. 2, pp. 549-552


  1. Factors of variation influencing bulk tank somatic cell count in dairy sheep

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 88, Núm. 3, pp. 969-974

  2. Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates of total and partial lifetime traits for dairy ewes

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 88, Núm. 9, pp. 3265-3272


  1. Effect of freezing on Fossomatic cell counting in ewe milk

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 86, Núm. 8, pp. 2583-2587

  2. Fossomatic cell-counting on ewe milk: Comparison with direct microscopy and study of variation factors

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 86, Núm. 1, pp. 138-145

  3. Genetic parameters of somatic cell count in dairy sheep considering the type of mammary pathogen effect

    Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Vol. 120, Núm. 4, pp. 282-287


  1. Genetic parameters of lactation cell counts and milk and protein yields in dairy ewes

    Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 82, Núm. 3, pp. 639-644