Publications (63) IVÁN PRIETO AGUILAR publications View referenced research data.
Aprendizaje-Servicio en el entorno rural de León
Innovación docente en la Universidad de León (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 165-172
Biometac: proyectos para aprender y enseñar Biología fuera del aula
AmbioCiencias: revista de divulgación, Núm. 22, pp. 147-164
El impacto del fuego en las características del suelo varía según la comunidad vegetal y el grado de severidad
CONDEGRES X Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
Estructura y composición de las comunidades de hongos y bacterias en zonas sub-mediterráneas
CONDEGRES X Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
Key concepts and a world-wide look at plant recruitment networks
Biological Reviews
Pushing the limits of C3 intrinsic water use efficiency in Mediterranean semiarid steppes: Responses of a drought-avoider perennial grass to climate aridification
Functional Ecology, Vol. 38, Núm. 4, pp. 955-966
Toward a common methodological framework for the sampling, extraction, and isotopic analysis of water in the Critical Zone to study vegetation water use
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, Vol. 11, Núm. 4
Warming and rainfall reduction alter soil microbial diversity and co-occurrence networks and enhance pathogenic fungi in dryland soils
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 949
Coexistencia en ecosistemas sub-Mediterráneos y cambio climático
AmbioCiencias: revista de divulgación, Núm. 21, pp. 111-119
Editorial: Root functional traits: From fine root to community-level variation
Frontiers in Plant Science
Fagus sylvatica and Quercus pyrenaica: Two neighbors with few things in common
Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 10
Linking functional composition moments of the sub-Mediterranean ecotone with environmental drivers
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol. 14
Living at the edge: the functional niche occupation of woody plant communities in the submediterranean ecotone
Annals of Botany, Vol. 132, Núm. 3, pp. 471-484
RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks
Root functional traits: From fine root to community-level variation
Frontiers Media, pp. 169
Warming reduces both photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency and water use efficiency in Mediterranean shrubsWarming reduces nutrient use efficiency
Environmental and Experimental Botany, Vol. 210
Corrigendum to: Lower relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi under a warmer and drier climate is linked to enhanced soil organic matter decomposition (New Phytologist, (2021), 232, 3, (1399-1413), 10.1111/nph.17661)
New Phytologist
Higher leaf nitrogen content is linked to tighter stomatal regulation of transpiration and more efficient water use across dryland trees
New Phytologist, Vol. 235, Núm. 4, pp. 1351-1364
Mulching treatments favour the recovery of ecosystem multifunctionality after a large wildfire in Northwest Spain
Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022, pp. 1234-1239
Lower relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi under a warmer and drier climate is linked to enhanced soil organic matter decomposition
New Phytologist, Vol. 232, Núm. 3, pp. 1399-1413