Despidos colectivos en el sector públicoincidencia de la derogación de la DA 16ª ET

  1. Castro Franco, Ana María

ISSN: 1699-2938

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 2

Pages: 123-159

Type: Article

DOI: 10.31009/IUSLABOR.2024.I02.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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Sustainable development goals


The ambiguous nature of the public sector as a legal subject subject subject to Labour Law, when an entity acts as an employer, and subject to Administrative Law, gives rise to all kinds of interpretative problems, reaching the height of dysfunctionality, given the regulatory gaps, in terms of dismissal for economic, technical, organisational and production reasons of employment personnel. Since the repeal of the DA 16ª ET by Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, there is no longer a specific description of the causes of dismissal and the express recognition of the priority of permanence of permanent staff in public administrations disappears.