Dataset for train and test BRITTANY (Biometric RecognITion Through gAit aNalYsis)
Universidad de León
Editor: Zenodo
Año de publicación: 2022
Tipo: Dataset
This dataset can be used train and test the BRITTANY tool. Information contained in the dataset is especially suitable to be used as train and test data for neural network-based classifiers. This dataset contains 198 Rosbag files, of 5 seconds duration, recorded in different locations (kitchen, livingroom-window and livingroom-door) with Orbi-One robot stood still. Two sorts of Rosbag files have been recorded. In 90 Rosbag files (train*.bag), data recorded correspond to a person walking in a straight line in front of the robot. Data from five different people have been recorded. For each location and person, six Rosbag files have been recorded. In 108 Rosbag files (test*.bag), data recorded correspond to a person walking in a straight line in front of the robot. Data from six different people have been recorded. Five of those six people are the same as in the other rosbags and the other one is not registered in the system to evaluate the false-positive cases in the system.