Diatom Life Cycle Dataset

  1. Vallez, Noelia
  2. Bueno Garcia, Gloria
  3. Déniz, Oscar
  4. Blanco, Saul

Editor: figshare

Year of publication: 2022

Type: Dataset


This dataset contains images from:<br><br>[1] S. Blanco, Diatom life cycle images dataset., 2018. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7077725<br><br>[2] D. Mann and M. Bayer, Diatom size reduction image sets for shape and appearance models, 2018. URL: http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/DIADIST/<br><br>[3] D. Mann et al. The Sellaphora pupula species complex (Bacillariophyceae): morphometric analysis, ultrastructure and mating data provide evidence for five new species, Phycologia 43 (2004) 459–482