Implementación de un modelo multinivel inclusivo en el área de lectura en inglés dentro del sistema bilingüe
- Laura Aracely Martínez Magaña 1
- Rosa Eva Valle Florez 2
- 1 Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, Honduras
- 2 Universidad de León, España
ISSN: 2603-5820
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 191-211
Type: Article
More publications in: MLS Educational Research
This research analyzes the implementation of an inclusive multilevel model in bilingual education to teach English as a second language in elementary school. An Inclusive Educational Plan by its acronym in Spanish (PIE) was designed and validated based on the Ainscow and Booth Inclusion Index (2015), the Multi-Level Support System (MTSS) and the application of Universal Learning Design (ULD) principles. It studied the interrelationship of the inclusive multilevel model in the English reading class and the academic performance of students with and without some type of educational need. This study is structured as a quantitative, descriptive and comparative design between an experimental group and a control group. A total of 132 first grade students of elementary school from the Escuela Internacional Sampedrana and 20 students with Specific Educational Needs (SEN) participated. Data collectionwas carried out through specific academic reading tests in English and a satisfaction survey of the students of the experimental group. Among the most valuable findings, it stands out that all the students in the experimental group, with and without special needs, showed significant increase in the academic performance, and reading skills. The study validated the implementation of the inclusive multilevel model. In the survey, the students also showed high satisfaction with the type of methodology implemented to strengthen their learning of English as their second language.