Características morfosintácticas del español hablado hoy en la República Dominicana

  1. Evelin Díaz Blanco, Rita
Dirigida por:
  1. María Cristina Egido Fernández Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 30 de abril de 2024

  1. José Antonio Bartol Hernández Presidente/a
  2. José Ramón Morala Rodríguez Secretario
  3. Marta Pérez Toral Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


This thesis carries out a morphosyntactic study of the Spanish spoken today in the Dominican Republic. To this end, a documentary corpus has been created from recorded oral texts of speakers from different geographical areas, levels of training and ages that allow us to compare the presence and frequency of the morphosyntactic features in force until now. The aim is to identify morphosyntactic variations from different provinces, and to establish the diatopic and diastratic marks of the speakers of Dominican Spanish. These data have been obtained from consensual interviews with speakers on everyday topics, since it is about taking analyzable samples from the natural language. To date, the research carried out on Dominican Spanish has placed more emphasis on lexical, phonetic or semantic aspects, so this research offers new aspects for the area that had not been explored.