La deposición de Alfonso X en las crónicas, don Juan Manuel, la Visión de Alfonso X y el Libro del caballero Zifar
Universidad de León
ISSN: 1779-4684
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Le pouvoir de l’historiographie dans le projet d’Alphonse X
Issue: 45
Pages: 169-207
Type: Article
More publications in: Cahiers d'études hispaniques medievales
Alfonso X’s turbulent reign ended with his deposition by his son Sancho, whom he disinherited and cursed in his will. The chronicles closest to the facts, the Latin of Loaysa and the anonymous Crónica de Alfonso X, conceal the events or present them in a tendentious manner in favour of Sancho IV. Don Juan Manuel, in his Libro de las tres razones, following his own interests, denigrates Alfonso X and his lineage, extending to the father the curse of the son. The suggestion bears fruit in the Crónica geral de 1344 and in a prophetic text created to favour Juan I. The Zifar transmutes historical facts into chivalric fiction, in what constitutes a justification for the action of Sancho IV. This article traces the historical facts and reveals the political implications underlying these literary manifestations.