Sobre la habilidad de un rogatariodesajustes y correcciones en la pila bautismal de Villusto (Burgos)

  1. García Morilla, Alejandro
Documenta & Instrumenta

ISSN: 1697-3798

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 11

Pages: 129-139

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REV_DOCU.2013.V11.42492 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Documenta & Instrumenta


It is through the analysis of the traces left in an inscription that we can rebuild its genesis process as well as the problems derived from that genesis. Now we analyse the skill of a scribe who executed the inscription of the font at Villusto, where we shall see the errors he made and the resources he used to carry out the corrections.The method followed to analyse this inscription elaboration process is the one accounted for by Professors García Lobo and Martín López in their Introducción a la Epigrafía Medieval (An introduction to Medie-val Epigraphy), developed by García Lobo in La Epigrafía Medieval. Cuestiones del método (Medieval Epigraphy. Questions about its Method) and which is the one that has been used in the edition of Corpus Inscriptionum Hispaniae Mediaevalium. The aim of all this is to show who was or were the real author(s) of the inscription, their background and expertise and the relationship between the scriptoria of books and epigraphs and the sculptor’s workshops.

Bibliographic References

  • V. GARCÍA LOBO y Mª. E. MARTÍN LÓPEZ, De epigrafía medieval. Introducción y álbum, León 1995, p. 23,
  • V. GARCÍA LOBO, “La epigrafía medieval. Cuestiones de método”, en Centenario de la cátedra de “Epigrafía y Numismática” Universidad Complutense de Madrid 1900/01-2000/01, Madrid 2001, pp. 88-89.
  • Mª. E. MARTÍN LÓPEZ, “Centros escriptorios epigráficos de la provincia de Palencia”, en De Litteris, manuscriptis, inscriptionibus. Festcshrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Walter Koch, herausgegeben von Theo Kölzer, Franz-Albrecht Bornschlegel, Christian Frield, Georg Vogeler, Wien 2007, p. 203.
  • Mª. E. MARTÍN LÓPEZ y V. GARCÍA LOBO, “La epigrafía medieval en España. Por una tipología de las inscripciones”, en VIII Jornadas Científicas sobre Documentación de la Hispania altomedieval (siglos VI-X), Madrid 2009, p. 193.