New contributions to the knowledge of the vegetation of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula
- Angel Penas Merino 1
- Raquel Alonso-Redondo 1
- María Linda González de Paz 1
- Alejandro González-Pérez 1
- Aitor Álvarez-Santacoloma 1
- Giovanni Breogán Ferreiro-Lera 1
- Sara del Rio González 1
Universidad de León
ISSN: 2253-6302, 2253-6515
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages: 85-97
Type: Article
More publications in: International Journal of Geobotanical Research
Sustainable development goals
The present work, describes new associations for the vegetation of León belonging to plant communities with very different structures, including forests, shrublands and grasslands. The existence of other communities that were hitherto unknown for the vegetation in the study area is revealed. We mention the new associations below: Omphalodo nitidae-Quercetum orocantabricae Rivas-Martínez, T.E. Díaz, A. Penas & S. Del Río ass. nov. hoc loco; Alopecuro aequalis-Lythretum portulae R. Alonso & González de Paz ass. nov. hoc loco, Chrysosplenio oppositifolii-Cardaminetum gallaecicae González de Paz, Penas, del Río ass. nov. hoc loco; Epilobio parviflori- Eupatorietum cannabini González de Paz, Penas, del Río ass. nov. hoc loco; Festuco rothmaleri-Cynosuretum cristati González de Paz, Penas, del Río ass. nov. hoc loco; Armerio ciliatae-Echinospartetum iberici González de Paz, Penas, del Río ass. nov. hoc loco; Lonicero etruscae-Arbutetum unedonis González de Paz, Penas, del Río ass. nov. hoc loco, Halimio viscosae-Lavanduletum peduncu-latae ass. nov. hoc loco and Centaureo langeanae-Celticetum gigantae ass. nov. hoc loco.