Manejo reproductivo del berraco

  1. Carmen Matás Parras
  2. Cristina Soriano Úbeda

ISSN: 1699-7867

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 197

Pages: 14-17

Type: Article

More publications in: Suis


The maintenance of good, selected and productive, healthy and fertile, sale and trained boars is of vital importance far the optimal performance and profitability of the farm. We must keep in mind that early detection and integration of these boars in the production flow maximizes the economic performance of the farmer. Therefore, knowing the needs, the particular physiology of these animals and all those factors that condition their physical and mental well-being are determinants at various levels, including reproductive status. On the part of breeders and veterinarians, the main objective from the reproductive point of view must always be to manage boars properly to maintain libido, semen quality, and safety. To this end, the boar must be understood as an individual productive unit of extreme importance in the swine sector. Here are sorne of the main reproductive factors to be considered far correctly managing these animals during their productive lile.