Generación distribuida con fuentes de energía renovablefotovoltaica, termosolar y eólica, en El Oro (Ecuador)

  1. Jaramillo García, Fernando Vladimir
Supervised by:
  1. Óscar Cabeza Director
  2. José Luis Calvo Rolle Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 24 February 2023

  1. Héctor Alaiz Moretón Chair
  2. Montserrat Domínguez-Pérez Secretary
  3. Roberto Casado Vara Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 787373 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


This Research Plan aims to present a technical proposal for the implementation of a hybrid power plant based on three non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE): photovoltaic, concentrated solar thermal and wind. These plants would be installed in the cantons: Arenillas, Santa Rosa and Portovelo, El Oro region (Ecuador). Toe mix of the three provides us with the use of solar radiation, both direct (solar thermal) and diffuse (photovoltaic), in addition to the wind. An economic analysis of the three plants will be made indistinctly to calculate the return time of each one of the investments. Finally, the design of a distributed generation model in Ecuador and its integration into the existing distribution network is proposed. The research to be carried out will be of a quasiquantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, explanatory and purposeful nature, in addition to establishing causal relationships. It is based on a Primary Research: field research carried out through visits to other similar plants (although not in a mix, as we intend here), both in Spain and in Ecuador, and interviews with experts; as well as Secondary Research: bibliographic consultation of documents such as books, scientific articles, statistical bulletins, web pages and books of papers from specialized intemational seminars.