Análisis de la respuesta a la diversidad funcional en las facultades de educación de las universidades públicas de Andalucía desde la perspectiva de los docentes
- María Jesús Colmenero Ruiz Director
- Eulogio Cordón Pozo Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2022
- Rosa Eva Valle Chair
- Antonio Pantoja Vallejo Secretary
- Francisco Ramón Garrote Jurado Committee member
Type: Thesis
The inclusion of students with functional diversity in the university increases significantly every year. However, it encounters different barriers such as access to the campus, equipment, resources, attitudes, and training in attention to diversity by professors, making their teaching-learning process more difficult. Through this doctoral thesis, the educational response to students with functional diversity is analysed from the perspective of the university professors of the Faculties of Education of the Public Universities of Andalusia. A new scale "APTD Scale" (Accessibility, Processes, Training, Demand) was designed to analyse, through the response of the university professors, what attitudes they have towards the inclusion of students with functional diversity, access to the campus, the inclusive educational processes carried out in class, their training in attention to diversity and the type of training required, in this regard, from the university.