Influencia regional de la carga de nieve en el coste de pórticos de acero

  1. Guerra Romero, Manuel Ignacio
  2. García González, Julia
  3. Morán del Pozo, Julia Mª
  4. Cuadrado Abril, Alba
  5. Juan Valdés, Andrés
Ingeniería civil

ISSN: 0213-8468

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Zenbakia: 199

Orrialdeak: 83-90

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ingeniería civil


Wind and snow loads are the main cause of the collapse of single-storey steel buildings. Does the snow risk increase the price of these buildings? The present article aims to address this issue. A single portal frame has been designed considering the snow loads in the nine capital-towns of Castilla y León (Spain). The same portal frame has also been analyzed in the climate zone 1, taking now into account different altitudes (from 200 to 1,500 meters), and their respectively snow loads. Results show that, due to the snow and the climate zone, the cost of steel frame can go up to 59 % in some cases. The city with the most expensive steel frame isn’t the one located at the highest altitude