Elaboración, validez de contenido y fiabilidad del instrumento de observación SOCTOD-BSR para el análisis de acciones en baloncesto en silla de ruedas

  1. Adrián García-Fresneda
  2. Verónica Muñoz-Arroyave
  3. Xabier Iglesias-Reig
  4. Apostolos Theodorou
  5. David Suárez Iglesias
  6. Alba Pardo Fernández
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Any de publicació: 2023

Número: 49

Pàgines: 87-96

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


Background: this study aimed to develop an observational tool for analyzing wheelchair basketball (WB) actions based on the sport’s functional classification, while also assessing its validity and reliability psychometric properties. Methods: utilizing observational methodology, an ad hoc observation instrument (SOCTOD-BSR) was created by observing and documenting 34 criteria and 217 categories identified as performance factors. LINCE® v.1.4 software was employed for recording and encoding observation units, and data recoding was conducted with LibreOffice v.6.1.1. Nine games from the 2014 WB World Championship were analyzed, resulting in a total of 1800 observation units where offensive and defensive tactical behaviors were determined. Content validity was established through expert judgment, and Aiken’s V values ≥ .70 with a 95% confidence interval were accepted. Generalizability theory and Cohen’s Kappa coefficient were applied to calculate reliability. Results: concerning content validity based on judges’ criteria, an Aiken's V coefficient of .81 was achieved. Reliability was excellent, with coefficients for instrument heterogeneity, and inter- and intra-observer tests at 1 and .98, respectively. Conclusions: the observation instrument is valid and reliable for analyzing WB actions.

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