Acceso a la Justicia y legitimación medioambiental en el proceso español. Últimos avances y algunos retos

  1. Yugueros Prieto, Nerea
Dirigida per:
  1. Piedad González Granda Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 15 de de juliol de 2022

  1. Fernando Martín Diz President/a
  2. Nicolás Ignacio Ariel Carrasco Delgado Secretari/ària
  3. María Jesús Ariza Colmenarejo Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 739814 DIALNET


The interest of the content of this Doctoral Thesis lies mainly in the correct choice of the subject to be analysed. And this is for two reasons: firstly, because of the multidisciplinary challenge that environmental research is considered to be today, which attests to its scientific relevance, as I explain in the Introduction section and in particular in the Justification of the research topic. Secondly, the second reason for its success lies in the fact that, as it is a Doctoral Thesis of procedural content - and therefore from the perspective and methodologies of this discipline - it allows the best approach to solve the difficulties and insufficiencies of our domestic legislation, in order to optimise the implementation of the teachings derived mainly from the Aarhus Convention on access to Justice and environmental legitimation. All of this through a rigorous use of the postulates of our procedural discipline, which also includes the tools provided by Procedural Law through the due use of its unquestionable transversality. With these premises, the present research work is undertaken, the result of which is set out in the following pages, and it can be stated without false modesty that it contributes to the clarification of the main problems affecting access to Justice and the regulation of legal standing in the different jurisdictional orders of the Spanish system, with the contribution of the critical vision required to help resolve the challenges posed by the matter under analysis.