Optimización de periféricos de entrada en el manejo de programas de diseño asistido por ordenadorUso de filtros en programas CAD
- 1 Departamento de Ingeniería Minera. Universidad de León, España.
Publisher: INGEGRAF
ISBN: 84-95475-39-1
Year of publication: 2004
Congress: Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (INGEGRAF) = International Congress INGEGRAF (16. 2004. Zaragoza / Huesca)
Type: Conference paper
Here we show this unpublished teaching experience that since more than six years ago it ́s been successfully employed by three different teachers of the Cartographic, Geodesic and Photogrammetric Engineering Department at León ́s University. Thanks to a simple software (which works with all operative systems such us Win 95, Win 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP), there is a change in the keyboard's configuration that makes us able to use independently the numeric part of the keyboard. During the electronic recording of all the numeric information (rectangular, polar and/or relative coordinates), needed for geometric design in general or for surveying in particular, only the right part of the keyboard will be used, employing a more fast, precise and comfortable teaching methodology. So we have a better technician which is full of speed and more accurate. We initiate new students and users of Autocad (with the appropriate license) in the coordinated and methodical use of the keyboard and the mouse (being the last one the main input peripheral of the computer).