Influencia del Derecho Alimentario en un proceso social por despidoComentario a la SJS León 648/2021 de 29 de noviembre

  1. Gómez García, Francisco Xabiere
Revista crítica de relaciones de trabajo, Laborum

ISSN: 2792-7962 2792-7970

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 4

Pages: 165-169

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista crítica de relaciones de trabajo, Laborum


The case of a disciplinary dismissal of the manager of a meat industry company serves as an example of the extensive regulatory production in the area of food safety. It is precisely the vital importance of food-related acts which, in the face of the alteration and commercialisation of an important lot of manipulated meat, transcends the effects of a simple dismissal for indiscipline or disobedience at the workplace towards a possible criminal liability. The fact that the proceedings had previously been declared null and void, due to the claimant’s lack of defence in relation to its proposal for witness evidence, provides a further incentive to consider this judgement worthy of review.

Bibliographic References

  • Ortega Lozano, P. G.: “Sobre la comunicación escrita en la extinción del contrato de trabajo: problemas sustantivos y procesales”, Revista de Información Laboral, núm. 12, 2018.