Propiedad y poder en Murciael patrimonio como agente del cambio social en la transición del antiguo régimen a la sociedad de los individuos

  1. Blazquez Garcia, Juan
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Irigoyen López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 15 January 2016

  1. Juan Hernández Franco Chair
  2. Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano Secretary
  3. Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT Civilized humanity began when he tamed its environment, implying establish and own, be aware of property. The land, the main source of livelihood and wealth for centuries, has been the subject of ambition and origin of conflicts, involving the control power over others. In the West and from the tardoromana time you start a process whose relations are established on the basis of the property leading to a stratified society that will remain under the name of Old Regime and begin to break down definitively in the late eighteenth century. Royalty, nobility and church represented the ruling classes possessed property and mutual support, served to sustain this system. At the end of that process the Church lost political power, it had an impact on its equity base, new economic structures, complex modern administration made it necessary to use to meet the expenses of a Hacienda to which only contributed a small part of the population, therefore the most humble. The consolidation of a new consciousness where individuality is acquired and resurface the citizen, active in the business world and the generation of capital, which require more prominence and greater decision-making power. The refusal of the traditional powers to accept this new piece in the complex power board concluded in revolutionary processes that would change forever the foundations of Western society, in which the transfer of ownership would mean the transfer of power. Access and distribution thereof as well as the consolidation of public finances became the patrimony of the Church in a clear object of desire, the rest of estates bodies could not or would not defend. In Spain and by extension in Murcia this process plays and, with the clergy regulate the great ecclesiastical owner against him any legislative work to expropriate the assets in the process known as Confiscations developed. In a society in which family background is second to give way to money as a classifier element, whose economic base is still the land, their possession will be one of the key elements in the legitimation of power. After the regular secular clergy would come later rustic and urban land, census and forums belonging to the state, the people, the clergy and charitable institutions and corporations and public education ..., once accomplished the equity transfer, new owning elites of their destiny, want to avoid changes in the status quo and pact with a church, then a very clipped, so take care to frame this new society values that are appropriate to their interests and they will especially through education. For its part the Church will pay off their work to be able to develop their evangelizing action, and supported economic and heritage to develop their work. In the end the circle, everything changed to remain the same. Our job will be to check the development of this process in Murcia through the analysis of a specific case; using as methodology Social History, Family History and Economic History.