Adaptation of the pbl+ methodology to b-learning and online teaching

  1. B. Urbano
  2. X.A. Gómez
  3. M.E. Sánchez
  4. M.I. San-Martín
  5. R. Mateos
  6. C. Fernández
  7. E.J. Martínez
  8. O. Martínez
  9. A. Morán
  10. F. González-Andrés
EDULEARN21 Proceedings: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 5th-6th, 2021, Online)
  1. Gómez Chova, L. (coord.)
  2. López Martínez, A. (coord.)
  3. Candel Torres, I. (coord.)

Verlag: IATED Academy

ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Seiten: 4074-4080

Kongress: EDULEARN: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (13. 2021. null)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag