Efecto de diversas técnicas para visualizar la placa metafásica y el corpúsculo polar sobre la capacidad de desarrollo de ovocitos porcinos madurados in vitro

  1. Maside Mielgo, Carolina
Supervised by:
  1. María Antonia Gil Corbalán Director
  2. Emilio Martínez García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 December 2012

  1. Julián Garde López-Brea Chair
  2. Lydia Gil Huerta Secretary
  3. Ignacio Caballero Posadas Committee member
  4. Luis Anel Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Fernando Juan Peña Vega Committee member

Type: Thesis


Summary: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology in porcine has become a very useful tool for the elaboration of genetic models for human diseases and the use in xenotransplantation. The efficiency of SCNT is still very low, although the number of cloned pigs increases each year. One of the hardest steps of porcine SCNT is the enucleation of the oocyte because its cytoplasm contains many lipid droplets. The main objective of this thesis was to assess the effect of several approaches to visualize the metaphase II plate and the first polar body on the developmental ability of in vitro mature porcine oocytes. Keywords: Pig; Oocyte; Enucleation; metaphase II; First polar body; Hoechst 33342; Ultraviolet irradiation; Distribution of active mitocondria; mitochondrial DNA; SYBR-14; Microtubule; Polarized light microscopy.